Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 3: Dinner!

Ahhh.  a little later than usual.  I was feeling very lazy and relaxed after my shower I lied down and played some video games on my DSi.

I thought about going out to buy som dan-dan mein... but didn't want to get out of bed.  I put on pajamas right after my shower.  *lazy-times~!*

I ended up heating up my left-overs from lunch!  So... no photo, I was so hungry I just ended eating everything quickly.  But here are the stats.

Dinner:  Left-overs from yesterday's lunch:  Tofu curry with rice and pickled radish.  Afterwards, the plums I didn't eat from last night's dinner.

Food:  1/4 block tofu (100 kcal), 1/2 pouch instant curry (120 kcal), 1/2 cup rice (100 kcal), 2 tbsp pickled radish, 2 medium black plums (60 kcal)

Calories:  380 kcal

Tomorrow for sure I will eat my aunt's chicken & pork adobo!  *anticipating it*  I want to make sure I finish all the left-overs first!

Day 3: 2nd Lunch

Some people think it's funny when I say "1st lunch" or "1st dinner"... but it's true!  Normally I eat about 4-5 small meals a day.  If you've noticed, I usually intake about 300-400 calories per meal.  Unless I go out of my home, then my meals are a little limited.

Today's 2nd lunch is... left-overs!

2nd Lunch:  Check last night's dinner.  Eaten about 10 minutes post work-out

Food:  1/3 canned Sanma (70 kcal), 1/2 cup steam rice (100 kcal), and 2 tbsp pickled radish (6 kcal?)

Calories:  176 calories

After that, I sliced up the 2nd half of a watermelon sitting in the fridge and... ta dah!

LOVE LOVE LOVE watermelon!

This one is perfect too.  So sweet, but not soft.  We killed the other half and I've been meaning to cut this up... so after I finished eating 2nd lunch... bam!

Yum.  Ate 2 pieces of this.

Calories:  ~46 kcal

Then I saw this drink in the supermarket.  I love it. It tastes delicious.  Plus it's acai!

Sambazon Organic Acai drink "Supergreens" type.  Yum.  They trick you though!

Always read the labels.  I can't stress enough:

Number of servings:  1.3
Calories per serving:  140 kcal

So if you don't read the "number of servings part"... you don't realize you just ingested an extra 47 kcal!  Don't be fooled!

So total calories is actually 187 kcal for bottle.

I drank almost the entire thing.  Saved maybe 1/3 left... so let's say that I drank only 150 kcal for that.

Total calories this meal was:  372 kcal

See?  300-400 calorie range.

I am not a big calorie counter actually, but I thought if I blogged about meals, then I might as well post about them as well.  I usually only eat to before full, and eat pretty slowly (unless it's shaved ice).  I do think reading labels is very important.  Maybe I'll make a post about that next week.

Now it's time for a shower!

Day 3: Cardio Power & Resistance

Calves still dying.  It amazes me how much the mind carries over the body.

Physically I feel soreness and a bit of pain in my calves.  So bad that It's difficult to walk normally until I warm-up for a while.

But!  Once the DVD starts, I feel a bit like a machine.  Like whoa, I'm jumping when he tells me to jump.

My thoughts?  This workout wasn't too difficult.  The warm-up was a little different and easier from the Plyometric Cardio and Pure Cardio.

The intervals were only about 2 minutes long, so there were plenty of breaks in between.

The exercises I had difficulties with were:

  • Walking push-ups - again, weak upper body T__T  slowly but surely, it will be stronger
  • Hurdle jumps - I was able to jump, but stiff calves made it a little difficult
  • One-legged tricep push-ups/dips - Calves were killing me on this one, so I attempted, then continued with standard tricep dips.  
So to make this more interesting!  Here's a poorly lit video (darn back-light) of me doing the first set of exercises after the warm-up for Cardio Power & Resistance!  Next time I'll be sure to video in the master bedroom instead of the living room.  (likes the TV in here better though)

You'll notice I'm not moving very fast.  Again, this is the first set of exercises.  This repeats two more times and speeds up with each set.  

*** Funny note:  you can see my bro and aunt hanging out in the bg... and my bro was eating pizza.  Yes.  baking then eating a pizza while I was working out.  Then my aunt came over with chicken and pork adobo!  Torture!

Day 3: Breakfast and Lunch!

Good morning and good afternoon!

Body status:  Mostly good.  Calves are ultra mega sore.  I was walking like a duck when I woke up.  LOL.  

Already 1:40p!  I've done so much already.  Here's the breakdown of what's happened so far.

Breakfast:  Yoplait mixed berry yogurt

Food:  1/2 yogurt cup (85 kcal)

Calories:  85 kcal

Again, don't like to eat before working out, but I woke up starving this morning.  

I teach a seated aerobics class on Friday mornings... so wanted my stomach to be pretty empty.

I talked about my calves being sore right?  I thought I would help cure them by running.  30 minute parking!  So I went to the school gym and ran 2 miles on the treadmill.  

Distance:  2 miles
Minimum running speed:  5.5 mph (11 min mile)
Maximum running speed:  7.5 mph (8 min mile)
Total time:  25 min

In between mile 1 and 2, I walked for 2 minutes at 3.0 mph
At the end of mile three, I walked for 1 minute at 3.0 mph
Calories burned:  260 kcal

Now I'm really hungry.  and lazy.  I didn't want to spend time preparing food... so off to the local bagelry!

Lunchtime!  (1st lunch anyways) ate at 12:43p

Food:  1/2 Smoked salmon bagel sandwich with creme cheese, tomatoes, and capers.  (245 kcal), 1/4 pickle (1 kcal)

Calories:  246 kcal

I only ate half the sandwich and half the pickle.  Was delicious and satisfying!  I love capers.  Saved the other half for my bro and he ate it already.  Thought it might be for 2nd lunch... but oh well!

My plan was originally to work out at 2:30p... but I still feel digestion going on.  Maybe 3:00p.  

Cardio Power and Resistance coming up soon!  Maybe I'll video myself doing a round of exercises.