Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 25: Food times

Today was such a long day!

Eating was very... sporadic.

Breakfast:  O' my buns (last ones today!) and Starbucks!

Food:  1 mini coffee bun w/ almonds (100 kcal) and 1 tall Chai Latte with soy milk (186 kcal)

Calories:  ~286 kcal

I was so tired this morning... that when I arrived at my work area in Victorville (so far!), I had to get something warm to wake me up!

I don't like coffee... but tea is perfect!  And lucky Starbucks has soy milk!  *happy*

Lunch:  Korean food!  Noo-Roong-Ji (soup), sushi, and ice cream!

Food:  1 1/2 cup noo-roong-ji (~50 kcal), 1/2 dragon roll (260 kcal), and 1/2 scoop green tea ice cream (70 kcal)

Calories:  764 kcal

Isn't the dragon roll pretty???  I thought it was so pretty!  The picture of the caterpillar roll in the menu looked so cute!  I wish I took a photo of it.


Dinner:  O' my buns (last one!)

Food:  1 mini coffee bun w/ almonds (100 kcal)

Calories so far:  ~864 kcal

YAY!  and surprisingly... that's it!

Day 25: Cardio Recovery

"Even Rocky had a montage!!!" ~ The montage song from Team America

OH maaan!!!  I'm watching Rocky IV right now and just completed the montage scene of Rocky training.  This movie seriously hypes me up!!!  No need for steroids ever... just need to watch any movie from Rocky I - IV.  

Why is today Cardio Recovery???  

I think the same thing on my "Rest day" Tuesdays!  Tuesdays are the same day as The Biggest Loser.  Whenever I watch The Biggest Loser, I get hyped up!  I want to work out too.  Run and jump and do impossible things!  I love watching people work out hard!  People getting yelled and pushed and going beyond their limits!  It's an aphrodisiac for me?  I'm a strange person... 

It's so late today because I did a job for my old boss this morning and afternoon, so tonight is late workout time.  I would have worked out earlier... but Rocky IV is on TV.  You can't not watch any of the Rocky I - IV series if it's on TV!  Right...?  Right!

Cardio Recovery:

Ahhh.  Cardio Recovery.  I can't believe I did this workout around 11:00p at night.  Seriously insane.  I was away from home the entire day though, then took a nap.  Afterwards it was Rocky IV and you can't not finish Rocky IV... so then Insanity!  Luckily it was only Cardio Recovery... but still a workout.

Doing this workout was tough.  I was mentally and physically tired, so I wasn't in the best state.

Squats and lunges weren't very difficult (although isometrics always are)... but the push-up plank position!

Woooo!  Tough.  I had to keep taking breaks.  Tough.  Tired.  But finished.

And now to end this entry with the Montage song from Team America

Day 24: Food times

Quickly so I can go to bed!

Breakfast + Snack:  O' my buns!

Food:  2 mini coffee buns (~200 kcal)

Calories:  ~200 kcal

I have 2 more left.  YUM.
You're probably thinking... another burger?  Yes.  Another one!  This time from Marie Callender's restaurant!

Lunch:  3/4 hamburger with some fries + <1/2 pecan pie slice of heaven!!!

Food:  3/4 hamburger (only ate 1 slice of bun) (~400 kcal), French fries (50 kcal), <1/2 pecan pie (440 kcal)

Calories so far:  ~1090 kcal

This pie was totally worth it.  I have never had a piece of pecan pie this heavenly.  My bro and I were laughing and smiling because it was so delicious.

HEAVEN on a plate ^^
Now it's time for some dinner!  Or snacks rather

Snacks:  1 bread bowl clam chowder and 1 corn on the cob

Food:  Clam chowder (~500 kcal?), 1 corn (170 kcal)

Calories so far:  ~1760 kcal

I don't mind today.  I think I worked out hard and I needed energy!  Rar!  Tomorrow will be better?... LOL.  maybe.  I just need to not go out.