Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 23: Cardio Power & Resistance + Walking

Happy Thursday!  Today was Cardio Power & Resistance workout!  

I tried working out around 3p for Insanity... but felt a little sick.  I think I slept a bit too much and had a headache.  So... instead of starting up Insanity... I thought I would warm-up my body properly and do an easy low-impact walking workout.  

Time for ExerciseTV and do a 47 minute 3-mile aerobic walking workout!  It was nice and easy... but it was exactly what my body needed to warm-up and help get rid of my oversleeping headache.

Total time:  47 minutes
Distance walked:  3 miles
Calories burned:  ~ 300 kcal

One mile = ~100 kcal burned

So that makes me feel a little bit better about last night's crazy fair eating!  Although looking back, it wasn't that crazy.  But it's still atypical of what I usually eat... so yup.  Felt a bit better.  About an hour after completing the walking program, it was time for Insanity!

Time for INSANITY!!!

C'mon ya'll... let's go!!!

Lolz!  This is my favorite DVD because Shaun T says the line from the opening before each Insanity workout begins.  So it always makes me laugh.  Although... I would say this is the easiest workout of the 3 DVDs.  

I started out pretty slow and tired... but!  At the end, I finished strong.  I think it took me a while to really get in the physical setting to do a "power" workout.  

Most challenging exercises:
~ Moving push-ups:  My shoulder ended up hurting... so I did what I could and kept the best form possible.  
~ Power Jumps w/ knee tucks:  It started up difficult, so I would rest... then bust out 15 quickly and consecutively... then next exercise.  *tired* 
~ Triceps dips:  My shoulders are definitely stiff.  It's hard for me to go down.  Think it's my right shoulder holding me back during this exercise.

Fun exercises:
~ Sprints + hurdle jumps:  These are fun.  Love these
~ 8 squats + 8 push-ups:  I did 8 modified (knee) push-ups instead.  But these are fun.  Last exercises, so I pushed hard
~ Globe Jumps:  I don't know... just fun today.  Enjoy!

Tomorrow is Plyometric Cardio Circuit!!!  

Maybe another walking program... or maybe running at the gym.  Also maybe some lat pulldowns or some seated rows.  Need to work out my back muscles.  Lots of chest with Insanity... and very little to none back.