Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 34: Last day of Core Cardio & Balance

Last day!!!  O__O

Month 2 starts in 2 days.  I'm nervous and excited.  I can see a change in my body.

Then I eat.

Then it's gone.

LOL, not really, but my stomach sure does like to expand!  I think my arms and shoulders are looking good.  My thighs and legs look more toned.  4-pack kind of showing when I wake up!  Then I eat.  Then it's gone.  f(^o^;)

Core Cardio & Balance notes

WHOA.  Workout was a little tough and a little slow today.  Body's fatigued from yesterday's gym workout.  Thighs feel a bit heavy.  I took some videos.  Yes!  Multiple videos.  My baby bro came and started watching me (you can see me talk to him).  Then I started laughing at times... threw me off my game!

Anyways... enjoy!  It's been a while!

Exercise:  Warm-up stretches.  Short video.  Short segment on stretching.

Exercise:  4 right leg hops, 4 left leg hops, repeat; 8 jabs and hop to the other side, repeat; followed by... dun dun DUN!  Hip Flexor Burners (the ones I always talk about) ~ 30 seconds of hip flexion + 30 seconds of isometric hip flexion with pulses + 30 seconds of hip flexion with leg extensions!!!  Repeat on other side.

Exercise:  Standing obliques ~ same-side elbow to knee touches; Shoulder Burners ~ in sumo/plie squat while holding arms in 180 the entire time ~ 30 sec of "flapping" + 30 sec abdominal crunches with arm flys (open and close) + 30 sec overhead touches + 30 sec backward arm circles + 30 sec forward arm circles

My thighs were dying in this one!  

Day 34: Snacks and meals?

Souplantation now!