Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 19: Cardio Power & Resistance

Today was a rough morning!!!

I had trouble sleeping last night.  I was so tired too!  But I remember looking at the clock and seeing 3a... then later waking up at 5:30a having to go to the bathroom!

Then I woke up this morning and I was really dehydrated.  Mouth was so dry.  It still is (even though I've been drinking water all through the workout).  My sitt bones hurt a lot too!  Poor ishial tuberosity *rubs*  It was the bike ride yesterday.  It wasn't even that long (about an hour total), but I remember feeling so uncomfortable, that I was standing half the time while biking!

It really caused discomfort during today's workout.  I felt so sluggish and slow also.  Really surprised I survived the entire workout.  I really wanted to quit many times, but although slow... I finished.

Enough whining.

Exercises I had trouble:
~ Warm-up log jumps ~ I did the workout as soon as I woke up (no time today).  Usually these are no problem, but today!  I felt so slow!
~ Power jumps ~ Again... legs felt ultra heavy.  It was difficult for me to get high off the floor.  It really was a mental game.
~ Tricep dips (and modified knees in push-ups) ~ I just feel awkward.  Plus my arms were so tired today!  Maybe from putting my upper body weight on the bike handles?
~ Moving push-ups ~ Always have trouble with these.  Today I didn't even start out strong!  *baby today*

It really took me a while to start up.  Once I started I was just... "okay"

Exercises that were still fun (despite me being a baby today):
~ Hurdle sprints ~ I just love these.  Fast feet.  I like a lot.
~ Floor sprints ~ Although my upper body was tired, I did it not so bad.
~ 8 hop squats & 8 push-ups ~ surprisingly I was dying... but last exercise means I pushed.  Almost all full-push-ups too!  Had to make up for my bum-ness during the rest of the workout.

*dead now!*

I promise tomorrow's workout will be much better!!!
Here we go Plyometric Cardio Circuit!

Day 16: Photos (backlog!)

Oops, meant to post these two days ago, but didn't.  Also meant to take these on day 15, but my camera ran out of battery so I had to charge it.  I like to take photos in the morning before eating, so I'm at my most "normal".  Also, blogger decided yesterday to keep crashing my browser whenever I tried to upload photos.

Appears to be working today... so here we go!  


Here is my Day 1 photo again.  

I remember feeling my knees were a bit swollen this day, so I'm not sure of the changes.  You can check out the next photo to see if there are any changes.

I probably should have worn the same sports bra for Day 16... but the shorts are the same!  This sports bra was in the wash though... oops!
Day 16 photos!!!  Taken in the morning.  

You can see the outline to my stomach a bit more defined.  I look like I have 4 arms due to the mirror in the background.  LOL.  

Man I have thick thighs... but, they feel more firm, so it's totally okay.  My endurance has gone up.  

Again, my measurements are about the same.  If you check the previous post, only a couple changes - bigger butt and smaller bust.  LOL.  
Day 1 side view photo again.  My booty is poppin.  LOL.  I have a big butt.  I don't know where it comes from though... my parents and brother don't have one.  

Maybe from sports?  I did tennis, skiing, and martial arts when I was younger... but I know the thicker thighs are from it... but my butt?  

No idea.  
Day 16 side view photo.  Lighting is a little better in this photo. 

I held my hair up for this one.  Should have done it for the first photo.  This bra is a little more constricting too.  I think this photo looks mostly the same.  

I think maybe you can see my oblique cuts a little better?  But that could just be lighting... so unsure.  

We'll see if there's a change in 2 more weeks!!!

Day 18: Meals 1 + 2 + snack + 3... and bike riding!

Long day!  Tired thighs!  Almost immediately after Insanity and showering, got picked up to go to Huntington Beach for a birthday party!

On the way there, we stopped by Target to get a gift card and luckily there was a Starbucks... so I was able to get breakfast!

Breakfast:  Perfect Oatmeal with dried fruit, assorted nuts... and they ran out of brown sugar... so sorry, no brown sugar, but luckily still delicious!

Food:  1 cup oatmeal (140 kcal), 1 serving nuts (100 kcal), 1 serving dried fruit (100 kcal)

Calories:  340 kcal

The dried fruit was enough sweetness for this perfect oatmeal!  Only $2.45 + tax also!  Yay!

When we arrived, the birthday party consisted of us riding a bike about 4.65 miles to our destination.  This sucks if you're tired after doing Cardio Recovery and Cardio Abs + working out the night before... but!  It wasn't so bad.


Total distance:  ~9.30 miles
Total time riding:  ~ 55 minutes (30 there, ~25 back)
Total calories burned:  ~195 kcal

Yay for extra calories burned!!!  Makes me feel not so guilty about eating so much.  But still a little guilty ^^;

Here is the map that we rode (approximately) to our destination for lunch and alcohol (which I did not drink!)

Our destination was a sports bar called Sharkeez in Newport Beach, CA!

The birthday boy wanted to watch the UCLA football game and get beer... this place was here, so yup!
Lunch:  Hamburger + fries + chips & salsa

Food:  1/2 Hamburger (175 kcal), 1/2 order french fries (140 kcal), chips & salsa (100 kcal)

Calories so far:  755 kcal

Lucky I shared my meal with someone.  I seriously don't know how people can eat an entire hamburger.  That used to be me... but can't do it anymore without coma-ing.

Afterwards, we went to a cool presentation about clean bio-fuel at Sustainable Now Technologies (SNT).  Can't tell you their secrets, but it was really cool!  Plus they fed us organic and vegan snacks!!!  I would have taken photos, but I left my phone in the car f(>_<) oops.

Snack:  Kale chips, macadamia nut vegan cookies, mini pistachio vegan cupcake, sushi (california roll and asparagus tempura roll), finger veggies (snap peas, broccoli)

Food:  Kale chips (5 kcal), 2 mini cookies (~100 kcal), 1/2 mini cupcake (~35 kcal), 1 california roll (37 kcal), 2 asparagus tempura roll (76 kcal), finger veggies (20 kcal)

Calories so far:  1028 kcal

Onward to home and falling asleep... long day = almost falling asleep in the car.  Actually, I probably did.  I even took a 30 min nap when I got home.  When I woke up, I had 1/2 a can of this!

Dinner:  Campbell's Select Harvest Savory Chicken and Brown Rice Soup

Food:  1 serving (1/2 can) soup (140 kcal)

Calories so far:  1168 kcal

After eating this, I wanted something sweet... so here comes sweetness!
After dinner drink/snack:  Safeway Select European Cafe Style Hot Cocoa

Food:  1 cup water + 3 non-heaping tbsp cocoa (~110 kcal)

Calories so far:  1278 kcal

Nice way to end off the night!  I was thinking about tea... but I saw this and it won!  It's been a long time since I've drank it!  Cold night = perfect to drink something warm ^^

Tomorrow is a busy day.  Cardio Power & Resistance, then another birthday party!!!  *ready to be sore*  Time to go hard to go home!