Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 21: Rest, being female, and food!

Yay for today being a rest day!

Although... I really wanted to work out today!  And of course I know better and need to rest... I really wanted to work out!  My bro was smart and lectured me the other day saying I don't rest enough... so I didn't workout.

Good job me!... so far.


It's female time.


As soon as I began yesterday's Plyometric workout, my boobs hurt!  That's when I realized... "it's female time!"  waaaaah.  Female time = sensitive boobs.  But that makes me feel a little better about looking so bloated lately.  I noticed I also was retaining water since my knees swelled up pretty bad.

So today, I was craving random foods!

Breakfast:  Cereal x almond milk

Food: 1 cup Wild Harvest Natural Maple Pecan cereal (240 kcal), 1/2 cup Blue Diamond Vanilla Almond Breeze Milk (~40 kcal)

Calories: 280 kcal

I went to the mall to wander around and get inspiration... and I really wanted a hot dog on a stick!

Lunch:  Hot Dog on a Stick!  oh noes!

Food:  1 hot dog on a stick (250 kcal), 1/2 fries (350 kcal)

Calories so far:  880 kcal

Did you know 1 order of fries is 700 kcal???  Just the fries?  That's insane!!!  I told myself I'd only eat half and I did!  Good job me!

But!  I was a bit of a bad girl and bought some See's Candies chocolates.  I ate one piece of chocolate and it was the sample one!  I didn't even eat any of the ones I bought yet!  It's a "test" piece of Dark Rum Raisin, so maybe 70 kcal?

Calories so far:  950 kcal

 Dinner time:  Dinner at Benihana!

Food:  1 soup (25 kcal), 1/2 salad (83 kcal), 1/3 dragon roll (173 kcal) + random bites here and there (100 kcal?), 1 scoop green tea ice cream (140 kcal)

Calories so far:  1471 kcal
Yum!  Dragon rolls!  I love avocado and I love eel.  This was a nice meal.

If you notice my meal, I didn't order an actual "entree"... but I didn't want to eat much... I felt so full after lunch.

(Probably all those calories from the fries)

So I just ate the soup & salad + sushi!  Yum!

Now it's time for home with relaxing and then watching The Biggest Loser!!!  I love this show so much!!!  I always get so hyped up watching it!

I know it's a rest day... but I want to go running!  But I know I'm going to wake up and do Insanity in the morning... and run, so!  I will rest tonight!  So I will watch more television and stretch while relaxing!

Tomorrow is the start of Week 4 with Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs!!!

Day 20: Plyometric Cardio Circuit

End of Week 3 cycle!!!

One more week of Month 1 madness!  Woo woo!  Can't believe I've been doing this for three weeks already.  It's crazy.  I can tell the workouts are getting easier; in comparison to when I first started.

I did my workout at night [which I don't like... and was so tired today (hot and worn out)] so I started out a bit slow.  Something on Dancing with the Stars helped me push.  Rick Fox said "Larry Bird gave the advice "Pros play hurt."

It's true!  I've been such a bum lately that I forgot about pushing.  I do believe in adequate rest, but you do have to push to get beyond a plateau.

Today I had the same troubles with the same exercises:  Level 1 drills and plank oblique side-to-side jumps.  Arms pretty tired today!  Yesterday they were actually shaking when I attempted to do a pull-up.  Which gave me the line in the sand that said Insanity does not work out your back.

I remember I was thinking "I'm working out my legs, thighs, core, and chest a lot."

This really doesn't help me for pole dancing (pole fitness).  LOL.  I guess I really need to start doing some lat pulldowns.  I need to start training again for that.  It's a little difficult when my chest, core, biceps are always so fatigued... but my back is so weak... that it's tough to do some tricks.

Ahhh... me in my glory days.

Gotta work it out!