Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 16: Plyometric Cardio Circuit!

Today's workout felt really good!  I feel like the workouts are getting a bit easier.

It surprised me a bit, since I woke up with my upper body (in particular my traps, biceps, and lats), very stiff from moving furniture!  My bro and I had to remove and replace huge sliding mirror closet doors.  It was so heavy!  We had to keep taking breaks I started getting sweaty... sad last night cause it was right after I took a shower.

So surprising today that my plyos workout was pretty strong!

I was able to get through the first 2/3 of the workout without having to take an extra break or stop.  Yay for muscular endurance!!!  During the last couple sets of the workout... man ~ those "Level 1 Drills"... were killing me!

Level 1 Drills ~ I started out with full push-ups... and then modified, but I kept up with the counts/timing of the DVD for the entire first set.  The second set was majority modified knee push-ups but mostly keeping up with timing.  I think I took 1 break, but really pushed myself.

Ski oblique jumps ~ Right after Level 1 drills, you think you're done... but these come in the equation sometime... and it was my arms that were dying!  My core was mostly okay... it was hard to try to ignore my arms burning out.  But I luckily am pretty stubborn and did almost all of them 1st set.  2nd set and 3rd set were pretty difficult.  All mental during those.

"Knees in - and - out" ~ I don't remember what these are called, but they're burpees without the standing jump up.  Again, it was my arms that were giving out!  I kept up pretty well with timing, but did have to take breaks.

I am really happy that I can get through the first 1/2 of the workout with no problems now!  *flex*

Tomorrow is Pure Cardio + Cardio Abs!!!
Plus maybe some running.  We'll see.

I just remembered I took body photos this morning.  I'll post them tomorrow!!!