Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 50: Max Interval Circuit

Tired!  After doing the Fit Test... woooo!  I was tired.

Workout was kind of difficult, but pushed through!  Too tired and busy to write anything today!  Need to work on some Halloween costume stuff!

Day 50: Fit Test #4


Switch Kicks:  150 kicks

Same as Day 1 and Day 37 results!  Surprising!  I thought I would be fatigued and wouldn't be able to get this amount.  So good job.  But!  I don't know if it's me... or the warm-up is too short... or my stomach problems... maybe the combination of everything.  I feel sick.  Cold sweat sick.  Like I did too much too fast.  Stomach feels real uneasy.  =(

Power Jacks:  64 jacks

Still feeling sick!  Had a pretty decent numbers for this exercise too.  Surprised!  Still cold sweat.

Power Knees:  121 right knees

One less than last week!  O_O  Surprised.  Everything is surprised.  I guess it's a little easier than I thought to mentally block out things.  It did bother me, but seeing the results pleasantly surprised!

Power Jumps:  66 jumps

REALLY?  Started out at 51, moved up to 57, down to 55... and today was 66!?  Are you kidding?  I was able to push through 40 jumps consecutively.  Then took a long break and did the last 26 until the end.  Big big surprise!

Globe Jumps:  13 "around the worlds"

One less revolution compared to last two weeks... but still pretty good.  I think the fatigue from the Power Jumps made me a little tired.  But still better compared to week 1!  *happy*

Suicides:  23 "burpees"

Surprised!  I did one more in comparison to two weeks ago!  Was so tired, but pushed through.

Push-up Jacks:  25 push-ups

Still hate these.  lol.  *fighting them*  Wah!

Low Plank Oblique Knees:  106 knees

Last One!!!  Tired!  Surprised I was able to pull the strength to do this many.  I mean... serious?  I felt so tired and sick during other exercises... but good job me!

Rest time... then more Insanity!!!

Max Interval Circuit next!

Day 49: Rest day

Bumming it.  Seriously bummed it the entire day!  *happy*