Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 39: Max Cardio Conditioning

WHOA!  Sore from days 37 and 38.  So today was like whoa.  LOL.

I really like the Cardio Conditioning days.  In the Month 1 circuits, I could say the Pure Cardio DVD was my favorite.  More difficult also.  I would say the same with this month's DVDs.  I do understand you have to rest in between exercises for adequate recovery... but!  I love pushing through.  I do take rests, but try to jump back in as soon as possible.

Exercise is 90% mental and 10% physical!

So true.  It's really easy to give up and quit.  Easy to stop during a workout when it gets tough.  I think I might be strange... maybe also a competitive minded person, and I get pleasure when it gets tough!  I always want to push harder and do better.  Funny note ~ whenever I look at the screen and see people resting, I make sure that I am working!  And if I see someone pushing hard and I'm slowing down... I push harder!  It's so true about the 90% mental part!

Enough random thoughts... workout thoughts now! 

Month 2's warm-up is a bit different compared to Month 1.  The exercises are slightly more challenging and also, different... so muscles... get ready to adapt again!  You can really tell during the 3rd set.

Month 1 warm-up exercises
  • Jog
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Heisman (side to side high knees and bend forward slightly)
  • 1-2-3 Heisman (Heisman with short steps in between)
  • Butt Kicks (runs with feet almost hitting butt)
  • High Knees
  • Mummy Kicks (arms criss-crossing in front of body)

Month 2 warm-up exercises
  • Jog
  • Jumping Jacks with Arms Pressing Up
  • Jump Ropes (side to side hops with arms  in opposite direction)
  • High Knees with Arms Extended
  • Switch Kicks
  • Hit the Floor
  • Side to Side Floor Hops

So the nice thing about Max Cardio Conditioning is that during the 3rd set... you go back to Month 1 drills!  You add in the Jumping Jacks, Heisman, 1-2-3 Heisman, and High Knees!  You can feel the difference in the body conditioning... because these exercises were easy in comparison to the new ones.  Thank you body adaptation.  So today was a pleasant surprise!

The Workout
This workout has 21 different exercises.  21!!!  You do 9 exercises, then have 3 "recovery slower paced" exercises.  Then it's back to the insanity!  I had a lot of fun... and a lot of fatigue completing this workout.  Exercises you thought were easy... are so tough when you put them at the end!

Exercises that were difficult
:: Hi-lo jabs ~ From the beginning.  First exercise.  My thighs are burning already from the previous days workouts.  So I knew how this would feel.  Was moving slow... but pushed through the entire minute.
:: Diamond Jumps ~ more jumping.  I like these jumps, but today they were tough.  I rested as soon as he said what they were.  Mentally got prepared and did 15 of them.  Rested again, then did 10.  @__@
:: Plank punches ~ These were killing me!  Not very tough... but by the time you're at this exercise... your arms/shoulders are fatigued.  I almost fell over a couple times... but kept it together.

Exercises that were FUN
:: Football Runs ~ I love the sprinting exercises.  Fast feet.  Love love love.  This exercise is "drop down to the floor in a low push-up plan.  Jump up and sprint when I yell up"  XD  It was fun.  I liked timing type exercises when you have a pace.
:: 8 high knees/8 sprints/8 floor sprints ~ Fun fun fun.  Again, love the sprinting exercises.
:: 8 jump ropes/8 hop squats ~ Tough, but I enjoyed these.  Lots of fun.  Lots and lots of fun.  Had to take a break at times but pushed through.

Tomorrow is Max Recovery.  I am a day behind.. so I think I might do Max Interval Circuit again and then Max Recovery.  That way I'm back on schedule!!!  RAR!  Insanity!