Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 16: Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner + Snack!

Today was a busy day!  My Aunt flew in today from Italy to stay with us for 3 weeks!  Plus, I had to wait around for telephone calls.  Then I went to the LA Fair!  and while I was at the fair... I saw Boyz II Men and En Vogue!  If you don't know them... you better start googling!

Breakfast:  Recycled photo from yesterday!  I'm a boring breakfast person sometimes...

Food:  1 cup Wild Harvest Natural Maple Pecan cereal (240 kcal), 1/2 cup Blue Diamond Vanilla Almond Breeze Milk (~40 kcal)

Calories:  280 kcal
Lunch times!:  Veggie omelet at Denny's!

Food:  1/2 omelet w/ spinach, avocado, mushrooms, onions, & bell peppers (170? kcal); 1 slice wheat toast w/margarine & no crust (120 kcal); 1/4 hash browns (50 kcal), 2 cups orange juice (220 kcal)

Calories so far:  740 kcal

I think I went over-calories with the omelet.  I think?  No cheese and no meat... so calories were pretty low!

Uh oh!  time for the fair!!!

That means time to eat excessive calories... but wait!

Saved a little bit by an awesome concert with Boyz II Men and En Vogue!!!  Serious awesomeness here.
Before we knew about the concert... we bought this monstrosity!

Dinner:  Super Nachos!!!

Food:  Nachos with carne asada, guacamole, sour cream, and salsa (~400 kcal).

Calories so far:  ~1140 kcal?

I stayed away from the carne asada, but I couldn't stay away from the guacamole or sour cream! *fail*
Snacky time:  Sweet Watermelon licorice with cream inside.  I was curious okay?  also 1/2 churro!  >_< derp.

Food:  1/4 licorice piece (20 kcal?), 1/2 churro (60 kcal)

Calories so far:  1220 kcal?

So many calories today!  *dies*

Day 15: Meals 1 + 2 + 3

Oops!  Late update!  Sorry no photos of body today... my camera was out of battery, so I had to charge it!  All of my macbook and phone photos came out terrible, so body photos will be a day later.

But here are all of today's meals!  A bit late, but better late than never.

Breakfast:  New cereal!!!  Yay!!!

Food:  1 cup Wild Harvest Natural Maple Pecan cereal (240 kcal), 1/2 cup Vanilla Almond Breeze Milk (~40 kcal)

Calories:  280 kcal

Maple pecan cereal is so delicious!  Love love love!  So much yum!
Lunch:  O'my buns! + a free Apple Celery Juice!

Food:  1 coffee bun (250? kcal), 1 bottle juice (140 kcal)

Calories so far:  670 kcal

I got the Apple Celery juice for free from a weekend Moon Festival event at the mall!  It wasn't too sweet and not too much sugar!  A sweet lunch after Insanity Fit Test ^^;
Dinner:  Delicious soon tofu from BCD Tofu House!

Food:  1 spicy seafood soon tofu (200 kcal?), random banchan ~ kimchi, bean sprouts, fish, fish cake (~50 kcal), 1/3 cup rice (70 kcal)

Calories so far:  990 kcal

I only ate half of my soon tofu... I got so full so quickly!  I tried to keep eating... but got so full!

Sad that there's no egg due to the salmonella scare... T_T  next time!

Tomorrow is Plyometric Cardio Circuit and photos!!!