Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 2: Dinner

I put out more food than I ate!

This reminds me... I need to go grocery shopping tomorrow.  Need vegetables and need orange juice.

Dinner:  Canned Sanma (Mackerel pike), steamed rice, fried tofu, with pickled radish

Food:  2/3 canned sanma (140 kcal), 1/2 cup steamed rice (100 kcal), 1/10? serving fried tofu (50 kcal)

Calories:  290 kcal

Oops, didn't make it to the plums or mango... I felt so full already!  Maybe it's my six-pack not allowing my stomach to expand so I can't eat more.  LOL.  *ridiculous*

Tomorrow is Day 3 of Insanity!!!  Kind of worried because I get really stiff when I stop moving.  Once I move... I can at least walk, but I'm not sure how much I'll be able to jump.  Oh well, we'll see tomorrow!

Day 2: Lunch (2nd meal)

I feel sore.

and I smell like a walking Salonpas

At least lunch was delicious!  I ate this at 2:00p.  about 30 min after my workout.  I didn't eat all of this.  Some will be eaten for dinner or lunch tomorrow.  But this is what I prepared.

Lunch:  Tofu curry, fried tofu with pickled radish and sesame seeds, plus steamed rice w/sesame seeds.

The calorie count is for what I ate.

Food:  1/4 block firm tofu (100 kcal), 1/2 pouch curry (120 kcal), 1/2 cup rice (100 kcal)

Calories:  320 kcal

Day 2: Pure Cardio

This workout isn't overall "difficult" per say... but doing it 24 hours after completing "Plyometric Cardio Circuit" is difficult.

 After a certain points "high knees" were not happening --> during the mountain climbers and during the jumps.  I also had trouble with the push-ups in between the burpees because my chest and tris are sore from yesterday's workout.  I have a pretty weak upper-body since I hurt my shoulder last year.  Only beginning to strengthen now.

Jumps at the end were difficult as well.  Again ~ wouldn't be much of a problem if I wasn't sore... but I guess this is what they call "hell week" right?  Remember hell week?  We used to have those in high school sports.

Basically a microcycle of either 1-2 weeks of pure hard work:  muscle building, hypertrophy, strengthening, beat you til you're too tired to walk/move.  Then... boom!  Supercompensation!  I am superwoman and I can jump over cars.  

Yes.  I did use the word supercompensation.
Read more about it. 

So I'm guessing after the second week's rest period, this will not be as bad, and I won't be as wimpy as I am now. 

Video time!

I decided to videotape myself doing the warm-up.  The warm-up is the same for each work-out (mostly).  I recorded myself doing 2/3 of it.  Why only 2/3?

The format of the warm-up is a series of exercises completed in 3 sets consecutively.  The challenge is that with each set, the next set is performed faster.

So the final third of the warm-up is just another repeating set of what you see, except faster.

I told you earlier:  This workout is no joke.

Video blog: Muscle soreness and topical analgesics

I woke up feeling sore.  I actually felt myself stiffening up yesterday before I went to bed.

I did wake up, eat breakfast, and walked to Rite Aid and jogged halfway back ( ~ 1.5 miles total).  It did make me feel better.

Main sore points:
~ low back (erector spinae) ~ from the bending over and standing up
~ calves (gastrocnemius) ~ from all the jumping

Minor sore points:
~ chest (pectoralis major) ~ push-ups!!!  T__T  haven't done them in forever
~ hamstrings (all of them don't like me) ~ fast butt kicks and ski jumps (on the floor)

Here's me talking a bit about the different products I'm using to alleviate my muscle soreness and stiffness.

More info on:
Camphor ~
Menthol ~
Methyl Salicylate ~

Day 2: Breakfast (1st meal)

Day 2 start!  I attempted blogging this on my phone, but for some reason it isn't registering my phone when I send pictures.  Strange =(

Oh well, here's my meal!  I ate this at 10:00a

Breakfast:  Yum.  Oatmeal!  The best poor man's food.

Food:  1/2 cup oatmeal (150 kcal), 1/4 cup frozen berries (17 kcal), 1 tsp honey (20 kcal)

Calories:  187 kcal

Might be getting hungry again... better work out and then eat a good recovery meal today!