Pre-Insanity, it's walking time!
Walk / Run
Total time: 35 minutes
Walk time: ~ 30 min
Run time: ~5 min
Total distance: 2 miles
Walk distance: 1.5 miles
Run distance: .5 miles
Calories burned: ~200 kcal
It's Insanity tiiiimeeee...!
Max Interval Circuit
Wow! Today was ultra fun! For some reason... exercises seemed easier! I was still tired, but I found with myself with more energy during certain exercises that were really tough the week before. I also surprised myself with my endurance.
The switch kicks and side to side abs usually kill me during the warm-up. Today I was able to do both exercises during a majority of the time. That surprised me a lot! Maybe because of the accomplishment felt from the warm-up, my workout intervals were pushed hard. I dug deeper! lol XD
Let's switch up the reviews! Let's review the workout by interval!
Interval #1
:: Pedal runs + 4 lunges / Ski abs + Push-up Jacks + In-out abs + Oblique Push-ups / Power Strikes / Frog Jumps
Wooo! My first set was awesome! Was able to complete almost all repetitions! Then came set 2... and set 3! I did pretty awesome during this. I was surprised I was able to do so many Frog Jumps. Most trouble was with the Push-up jacks and Oblique push-ups!
Interval #2
:: 4 High Hooks + 4 Low Hooks + 4 Jumpropes / High-Knee with Oblique Twist / Hi-Lo Jabs with Squats / Floor Switch Kicks
Don't know what I ate/drank or if I was spiked with something... but my Jump Ropes were awesome today! I did every single repetition and during the second and third set, I actually was ahead of Shaun T's count. I was awesome! Surprisingly the Floor Switch Kicks weren't as bad as last week. I was actually able to jump instead of just kicking! I gave a goal of 20 switch kicks before I was allowed to take a break. I was happy with my second interval!
Interval #3
:: Side Suicide Jumps / Squat Hooks / Full Body Drills / Plank Punches
The Side Suicide Jumps weren't so bad today! Surprisingly the Squat Hooks were. I always laugh when they when they show the shaved head guy doing this exercise (I think in set 2?). Oh maaan... Full Body Drills. Those moving push-ups! I don't even remember doing them. I was pretty beat by then, but had to really dig. I was surprised how hard I was able to push through Plank Punches!
Good workout today!
After Insanity, it was time for more walking/running! Half and half. Legs felt pretty jello-y after Insanity today!
Walk / Run 2
Total time: 15 minutes
Walk time: ~ 10 min
Run time: ~5 min
Total distance: 1 mile
Walk distance: .5 miles
Run distance: .5 miles
Calories burned: ~100 kcal
Tomorrow is Max Plyometric Intervals (I think!) Too lazy to look at the calendar. XD Did awesome today though! Gonna work hard tomorrow!