Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 39: Max Recovery

Zzzz.... (=◇=;)


Friday --> Disneyland Halloween Event
Saturday --> Wedding
Sunday --> Baby shower

Weekend finally over!  Time to rest!  I was so exhausted today!  Body is also exhausted from recovering from my upset stomach and the shock of new workouts.  So today's workout was burning!  My stomach hurt through it... I don't know what's going on with it.  It doesn't like food very much right now.

Hopefully it'll get better soon.  Onto workout notes!

Max Recovery

This is a long workout!  It felt longer than usual because I was so mentally exhausted.

:: Warm-up ~ A bit confusing.  If you don't watch the workout prior and know what's going on... you can get confused and go the wrong way.  Directions are given pretty quickly.  It's not fun to crane your neck to see the television screen.  Sometimes Shaun T doesn't tell you which direction to go "left or right?"  So I'll change directions... then oops!  I was supposed to be going the same direction!  Next time it should be easier.  

Have I ever mentioned I don't like push-ups?  My shoulder usually starts to hurt.  Since it's recently recovered... my chest/shoulder/arms are pretty weak still.  It is getting stronger... but, still weak!  So doing so many repetitions of push-ups feels uncomfortable after a while.

:: Push-ups with elbows back ~ these killed!  Started out okay... then just got so fatigued that I was moving so slowly.  Then I had to take a break.  Toughness!  Boo to plank positions and push-ups!!!

:: High plank - low plank ~ I actually liked these.  A familiar exercise to what I've previously done.  Again, after a while, right shoulder started getting bothered.  Took a break and started up again.

:: Wide-squats w/ pulses + side groin stretch holds ~ These were killer!  Quads were so tired.  They super burned and it was tough!  Was able to push through most... of the repetitions, but I'm sure my squats weren't as low as they should have been.

That's all I can remember!  Tired!  Must rest!

Tomorrow is Max Interval Circuit... and maybe some Max Interval Plyometrics!  If I do both tomorrow... then I'll be back on schedule!