Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 63: Max Cardio Conditioning + Cardio Abs

Today was my last day of workout!  Thoughts on today's workout.

Max Cardio Conditioning
:: Still dislike push-up abs, push-up jacks, and other push-up plank exercises... except maybe plank punches
:: Side-to-side river hops ~ hmm... so low impact... I'd rather stop and rest than do these...
:: Love all other exercises

Cardio Abs
:: After completing Max Cardio... this is a nice pace change.  I like all the C-sit position exercises.
:: Dislike all plank position exercises.
:: I really like doing sit-ups and crunches.  This workout makes me miss them.

Quote Dr. Brown ~ "There are no bad exercises, only contraindicated exercises for certain populations."

So true.  Sit-ups and crunches aren't bad... more likely... most people aren't doing them correctly.

Skip the bottom if you don't want to hear whining/complaining.

Tomorrow I just need to do my final "Fit Test" and see where I am.

Although I don't think there will be too much of a difference in results.  Measurements-wise too.  Maybe I should have followed the diet... but cooking is so much work!  Especially when it's not food I'm super into... like... chicken.

I've been lazy with blogging.  I think because I'm bored of the workouts.  I do feel tired, I do give a lot... and I also find exercises getting easier... (the whole point was to challenge myself into better cardiovascular shape... plus I heard it was really difficult, so I wanted to see if I could do it.)

So yes, I do feel I am in better shape, plus I have displayed better results.

But, measurements are mostly the same and weight is the same.  I can see a physical difference in toning in my legs... @__@  I'm so soft at places.

So that's good.  But the bottom line is that I'm bored!  I like working out with people, doing group classes, being a gym rat, counting repetitions, lifting weights, doing power exercises.  So this was fun... but also very fatiguing at times.  I also hate washing my hair everyday... and when you workout 6/7 days a week... you shower everyday o_o  My poor hair.

The Insanity workout would be more beneficial for me if maybe I did it 2-3x a week, and included other activities.  I would honestly feel so fatigued the next day that I wouldn't give 100%.  I'd give 100% of my 70%... so maybe that's why I don't see as much results.  So I'll continue to do workouts... just not as impacted together.

Tomorrow is Fit Test Results!