Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 37: Max Interval Circuit


This was hard.  Probably tougher than usual because I felt weak.  Still have an upset stomach.  Still surprised I survived the Fit Test earlier.

Also, I haven't posted meals... because I've just been snacking on Raisenets and Saltine crackers.  Poor stomach *dies*

Teaches me to not do stupid things (like eat cheese) when I know fully well not to do it.

Max Interval Circuit is 60 minutes... 10-15 minutes longer than a normal

Exercises that were difficult

... EVERYTHING!  Well, mostly.  Here are the ones that gave me trouble.

:: Ski abs + Push-up jacks + In-out abs + Oblique ~ oh push-up jacks.  Some reason... really couldn't do them.  Some reason my arms are so noodlely today.
:: Floor Switch Kicks ~ While in table top position on the floor, you jump switch kick your feet in the air.  O_O  Some reason, my biceps hurt a lot.  They felt stiff and hurt a bit in this position.  The switch kicks weren't so bad, the biceps were the problem.
:: Hi-lo Jab with squat ~ Why don't we switch sides with the jab?  I really get OCD over not doing exactly the same number of repetitions on each side.  I count.  So during second set, I switched.  During the third set, I alternated left and right.  Besides that... my thighs were dying.
:: Squat Hooks ~ These weren't really difficult... but I felt like I looked weird doing them.  Maybe need to do them some more.
:: Full Body Drill ~ WHOA.  These are Level 2 drills with repetitions x8.  Noodle arms already... sooo difficult!

Exercises that were fun

Although these were also difficult, I did have fun with these.

:: Side Suicide Jump ~ (like a side plank jump) ~ Alternating with left and right side.  These did make me tired... but they were fun.
:: Hook Jumps ~ (2 high hooks, 2 low hooks, 4 high knee jumps) ~ I did get tired... but these were fun.  I liked the hook punches... and the high jumps!  They were tiring, but mentally able to push through it.
:: Plank Punches ~ These were tough!  But I liked them a lot.  Really had to focus to keep my abs engaged.

It was tougher today.  That's why it's MAX and not just the normal.  Longer work out and more physically challenging exercises.  So higher intensity and extra circuit of exercises.  Tomorrow is Max Interval Plyometrics!  Plus Disneyland!  Will I be able to survive Disneyland?

I hope my stomach feels better tomorrow.  @_@

Day 37: Fit Test # 3

Sorry, stomach still not 100% and still a little bloated.  So measurements and photos will be done tomorrow (most likely).

Today's Fit Test results!!!

Switch Kicks:  150 kicks

Yay!  Day 1 results.  Although I'm sure I kicked higher today in comparison to Day 1.  Rest makes a difference.

Power Jacks:  65 jacks

Started feeling sick immediately after Switch Kicks actually.  I mentioned eating cheese the other day and feeling sick.  My stomach felt like it dropped and wasn't happy.  Not happy at all.  Went down compared to last week, but still better than Day 1.

Power Knees:  122 right knees

Wow up.  I did rest a bit and paused the DVD after Power Jacks because I was worried I was going to faint.  I thought about it... and 30 seconds to rest is not enough time really for a "max" test.  I know it's not "strength" but it's still a "max" test.  Typically "max" tests require about 2-6 minutes of rest.

Power Jumps:  55 jumps

I seriously don't know how I pushed through this.  The rest of the workout was all mental.  *dies*

Globe Jumps:  13 "around the worlds"

Still kept results pretty good so far.  I did rest an extra minute in between exercises.  Not going to faint!

Suicides:  22 "burpees"

Same number as 2 weeks ago!  *happy*  Still feel like dying.  They looked really weak I bet... but it's okay.

Push-up Jacks:  17  jacks

I don't know.  Going downhill.  25 to 21 to 17.  Wah... I'm surprised!  I know I'm dying, but I was able to push through all the other exercises.  My arms really just felt noodley and tired.

Low Plank Oblique Knees:  90 knees

Last exercise.  I was able to push through to complete this.  Down 2 repetitions... but still big improvement compared to Day 1.

Max Interval Circuit today also!!!

How will I survive?  Time for rest then workout time!

Day 35/36: Rest Day (Tuesday-Wednesday)

Dropped the ball today!

Ate a piece of fettucini alfredo w/o any lactaid pills... and had a stomach ache for the day and next day.

Dumb move.  =(

Was supposed to begin workout on Wednesday... but didn't because stomach hurt too much.