Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 21: Rest, being female, and food!

Yay for today being a rest day!

Although... I really wanted to work out today!  And of course I know better and need to rest... I really wanted to work out!  My bro was smart and lectured me the other day saying I don't rest enough... so I didn't workout.

Good job me!... so far.


It's female time.


As soon as I began yesterday's Plyometric workout, my boobs hurt!  That's when I realized... "it's female time!"  waaaaah.  Female time = sensitive boobs.  But that makes me feel a little better about looking so bloated lately.  I noticed I also was retaining water since my knees swelled up pretty bad.

So today, I was craving random foods!

Breakfast:  Cereal x almond milk

Food: 1 cup Wild Harvest Natural Maple Pecan cereal (240 kcal), 1/2 cup Blue Diamond Vanilla Almond Breeze Milk (~40 kcal)

Calories: 280 kcal

I went to the mall to wander around and get inspiration... and I really wanted a hot dog on a stick!

Lunch:  Hot Dog on a Stick!  oh noes!

Food:  1 hot dog on a stick (250 kcal), 1/2 fries (350 kcal)

Calories so far:  880 kcal

Did you know 1 order of fries is 700 kcal???  Just the fries?  That's insane!!!  I told myself I'd only eat half and I did!  Good job me!

But!  I was a bit of a bad girl and bought some See's Candies chocolates.  I ate one piece of chocolate and it was the sample one!  I didn't even eat any of the ones I bought yet!  It's a "test" piece of Dark Rum Raisin, so maybe 70 kcal?

Calories so far:  950 kcal

 Dinner time:  Dinner at Benihana!

Food:  1 soup (25 kcal), 1/2 salad (83 kcal), 1/3 dragon roll (173 kcal) + random bites here and there (100 kcal?), 1 scoop green tea ice cream (140 kcal)

Calories so far:  1471 kcal
Yum!  Dragon rolls!  I love avocado and I love eel.  This was a nice meal.

If you notice my meal, I didn't order an actual "entree"... but I didn't want to eat much... I felt so full after lunch.

(Probably all those calories from the fries)

So I just ate the soup & salad + sushi!  Yum!

Now it's time for home with relaxing and then watching The Biggest Loser!!!  I love this show so much!!!  I always get so hyped up watching it!

I know it's a rest day... but I want to go running!  But I know I'm going to wake up and do Insanity in the morning... and run, so!  I will rest tonight!  So I will watch more television and stretch while relaxing!

Tomorrow is the start of Week 4 with Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs!!!

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