Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 19: Cardio Power & Resistance

Today was a rough morning!!!

I had trouble sleeping last night.  I was so tired too!  But I remember looking at the clock and seeing 3a... then later waking up at 5:30a having to go to the bathroom!

Then I woke up this morning and I was really dehydrated.  Mouth was so dry.  It still is (even though I've been drinking water all through the workout).  My sitt bones hurt a lot too!  Poor ishial tuberosity *rubs*  It was the bike ride yesterday.  It wasn't even that long (about an hour total), but I remember feeling so uncomfortable, that I was standing half the time while biking!

It really caused discomfort during today's workout.  I felt so sluggish and slow also.  Really surprised I survived the entire workout.  I really wanted to quit many times, but although slow... I finished.

Enough whining.

Exercises I had trouble:
~ Warm-up log jumps ~ I did the workout as soon as I woke up (no time today).  Usually these are no problem, but today!  I felt so slow!
~ Power jumps ~ Again... legs felt ultra heavy.  It was difficult for me to get high off the floor.  It really was a mental game.
~ Tricep dips (and modified knees in push-ups) ~ I just feel awkward.  Plus my arms were so tired today!  Maybe from putting my upper body weight on the bike handles?
~ Moving push-ups ~ Always have trouble with these.  Today I didn't even start out strong!  *baby today*

It really took me a while to start up.  Once I started I was just... "okay"

Exercises that were still fun (despite me being a baby today):
~ Hurdle sprints ~ I just love these.  Fast feet.  I like a lot.
~ Floor sprints ~ Although my upper body was tired, I did it not so bad.
~ 8 hop squats & 8 push-ups ~ surprisingly I was dying... but last exercise means I pushed.  Almost all full-push-ups too!  Had to make up for my bum-ness during the rest of the workout.

*dead now!*

I promise tomorrow's workout will be much better!!!
Here we go Plyometric Cardio Circuit!

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