Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 26: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs

Oops.  I meant to wake up early and do the workout before church.

I woke up with my alarm and 8 hours of sleep... feeling ultra drained and fatigued.  I guess yesterday really wore me out.  I also put on some topical analgesics (Tiger balm) on my shoulders and neck.

My neck has been feeling really stiff lately.  I think it's a result of my right shoulder hurting again... I really have to watch my form during my push-ups and plank positions.

BUT!  I did my workout after church and 2 hours after eating lunch.  Usually don't like to eat with food on my stomach... and I know why.  I got a little cramp in my side while working out, then it went away.  Then it started on the other side.  Luckily, it eventually went away.  I did complete my workout feeling a bit bloated.  Yuck.  \(´Д`)/

Onto workout thoughts:

Pure Cardio!

Again, I was able to get through the first exercises with no real problem (tiring... but no breaks) until Level 2 drills came up!!!  UGH!  Those Level 1 and Level 2 drills... My arms get so tired, plus my chest is already tired from the days before... that I always need to rest my arms.

My thoughts on certain exercises today!

Exercises I enjoyed:
~ Switch Kicks:  First time for me to put these here!  Every week... this exercise has killed me that I don't/can't jump (hop) from kick to kick.  But today, I was able to.  Strange.  I did tire out a bit... but I kept kicking, albeit a bit slower at the end of the minute
~ Football sprints:  I talk about these all the time.  Love.
~ Pedals:  I love these.  Sprints + 2 lunges... repeat.  I love exercises that call for sprinting.  Fast movements!  The lunges get difficult nearing the end... but love love love.
~ Mountain Climbers:  I hated these exercises at first.  They are growing on me.  I think because my lower abs are getting stronger?  Most likely my hip-flexors and my quadriceps... My knees are lifting higher, therefore I'm happier with doing this exercise.  When I first started it, my knees weren't so high.  Form is getting better.
~ Suicide jumps (burpees):  Tough!  2nd to last exercise of the set.  BUT!  I stuck pretty well with it.  Seriously tough by the time I got here... but that's what you're asking for with Insanity.  This one really got me pushing mentally to tough it out.
~ Push-up jacks:  Another exercise I hate.  LOL.  I really didn't do them in the beginning.  I did Suicide Jumps... and thought "No.  Stopping now, not doing these."  Then I saw 20 seconds left... so I pushed and did 14 of them without stopping to finish strong.

Exercise is really a mental activity.  It's so easy to give up and quit.  It's easy for your mind to say "This is hard, let's stop." or "You're tired, you've done enough."

Well, you haven't!  If you can think that, if you can still move... you can do it!  I get in my head sometimes.  During certain parts of the DVD workouts, Shaun T says "If you're tired, take a break." which is true.  You should take a break if you're tired... but I take that as an excuse sometimes to just take a break and get water.

No more excuses!  Not even going to talk about exercises I had difficulty with today.  I had some difficulty with some... but just fatigue.  I was able to push through switch kicks and push-ups jacks, so pretty proud of the Pure Cardio workout today!

Cardio Abs

Seriously doing this back to back with Pure Cardio is INSANE.  I wish I could have done this later in the day or evening... but I didn't want to shower twice.

Quickly ~ The "C-sit position" exercises are getting a little easier.  I do still have to take breaks during the double-knee in-outs, and my arms still are tired during the plank oblique exercises (especially today after push-up jacks)... but I do my best to keep up.

I can't believe this is my last time doing Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs.  I'm still not totally beating them.  Next week is Core Cardio & Balance... then Month 2!!!  *worried*  (@ ̄Д ̄@;)

But I'll do my best!!!

Tomorrow is my final Plyometric Cardio Circuit!  *excited*

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