Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 4: Running + Cardio Recovery

Quick blog before I head out!

Before working out, I ran on the treadmill to warm-up.  I don't really think the warm-ups during the work-outs are total warm-ups... it takes my body a while to start up... so I like to jog before starting.

"I'm like a ferrari" -- The Situation

Treadmill times =)
Distance:  1.05 miles
Minimum running speed:  5.5 mph (11 min mile)
Maximum running speed:  8.5 mph (7:03 min mile)
Total time:  10 min

Stretching commenced afterwards for about 5-10 min.

Didn't have much time to run since I had to still drive home, do Cardio Recovery, shower, then be at a movie (Machete is the most awesome-est movie this year!) by 3:40p.

Cardio Recovery!!!

The easiest workout so far.  I was worried because it said something like "this isn't the recovery you think it is"... which it's not.  You perform some stretching for your lower body and do some slow exercises with some static balance poses (similar to yoga).

Again... you don't really stretch out your upper body much - except for shoulders/chest with "downward facing dog" and "child's pose."

I always do additional stretching for at least 10 minutes after the DVDs are finished because of this.

Even if you're really tired, this workout is easier compared to the rest so far.

It's "recovery" so... a light work-out day.

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