Saturday, September 11, 2010

Goals Goals Goals!

I realized I never wrote down my goals for this program.

Dr. Brown (my strength and conditioning professor) always said this is the first thing you always ask a client.  No matter what you're doing:  sports, business, cooking, service, buying a car...

You always give the customer what they want.

That always stuck with me.  When I was working as a personal trainer, I would always ask "What is your goal?  What do you want out of this process?"

Usually at "fitness" gyms or "butt-floss fitness" as Dr. Brown called it, people just want to look good.  They want to lose weight and feel great.  So my questions were -

What are your target areas?
What is your goal?
Lose a dress size?  Lose 2 dress sizes?
Get back to high school or college weight?
Lose the after-pregnancy belly or weight?

Simple answers like "I want to be more healthy."  or "I want to be fit."  These don't cut it.

What does that mean?

You must have a specific measurable goal in mind.  With a specific measurable goal, you can perform what's called a needs analysis and create a target program for that goal.

If you want to have more toned arms, then you shouldn't only work out squats and lunges.
If you want a firmer butt, you won't get it by doing push-ups and crunches.

I am happy that the Insanity workout has a "Fit Test" in it's program.  Because it's measurable.  I can physically see if I've increased my endurance and strength.

I took body measurements (weight, circumferences) before my first workout because then I could see if I lose inches.  I don't really expect to lose many pounds.  Muscle weighs 3x more than fat.  I expect to be more lean, so maybe I will lose some inches here and there.

Here are my goals:

~ Increase endurance (More specific ~ Be able to complete an entire Insanity workout without taking an extra break)
~ Increase upper body strength (Increase # of push-up jacks during "Fit Test")
~ Decrease fat and jiggly-ness (LOL no body fat %age, so I'll have to wing this one)
~ Increase core strength (gain more of a six-pack! Rar!)
~ Encourage at least one person to work out!  (I've kind of got my bro doing this... so I'm happy)

I've only completed 3 days and am on day 4.

We'll see how it goes!

If I stick with it and give 100% then I'm positive I'll see results!

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