Today I am almost unsore! (If that's a word, which it's probably not).
Still just the calves. Mostly left-calf as well. Right one is almost better!
But... I look really good when I wake up. You can almost see my six-pack again. Then I eat... and oops, it's gone! I'm not really doing this work-out to look good, but to be in better athletic condition. I should write my goals next.
Here's today's late breakfast (since I woke up late),
Breakfast: Bagels! I love bagels! The cream cheese is also... jalapeno! Double yum. My favorite cream cheese!
Food: 1/2 poppy seed bagel (93 kcal)k, 1 tbsp jalapeno cream cheese (100 kcal)
Calories: 193 kcal
But let's not forget after the carbtastic meal!
I went outside and picked fruit off my neighbor's fig tree. What's a fig? I'll show you!

This is what a fig looks like. A fig is the tree Adam got the leaf from to cover his genitals... right? I think so.
I ate 3 of these babies. So sweet, so easy to eat!
Food: 3 figs (63 kcal)
Total calories: 256 kcal
It is easy to be addicted to these. Once you open it up... I always imagine that if I looked inside a tentacle monster... this is what's inside.
I know, weird thought. But it's what I think every time I eat one.
Weird stringy-looking things with seeds at the end. What a weird fruit.
But delicious!
Today's workout is Cardio Recovery. I have a busy day, so I'm doing this in between errands around 2:00p. I'm not too worried about it since I'm almost recovered anyways.
Thank goodness for topical analgesics!
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