Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 5: Cardio Abs

I arrived home around 10:45p... but after removing make-up, wig, and changing...

I did still get my workout in today!  Luckily the Cardio Abs workout was only 16 minutes long.

The workout wasn't very difficult.  There were difficult parts, and I did have to take breaks... but it wasn't on caliber with Cardio Plyometrics or Pure Cardio.

This workout was different from typical abdominal workouts because there were no crunches or sit-ups.

p.s. I do not like abdominal exercises in push-up plank position.  My arms feel so man-buff right now.  I am still doing them to stick with the workouts.

p.p.s. Soreness is down to a ~5% all over the body!

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