Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 17: Running + Walking + Pure Cardio

I did a lot today.  But!  I did skip out on doing Cardio Abs.  While I was resting and stretching after Pure Cardio... my aunt asked me to eat.  I still needed to shower and it was 9:00p, so  I decided tomorrow will be Cardio Abs and Cardio Recovery.

Running:  After work morning time run/walk!
Minimum speed:  5.0 mph (12 min mile pace)
Maximum speed:  8.5 mph (7 min mile pace)
Total time on treadmill:  18 minutes
Distance ran:  1.75 miles
Calories burned:  204 kcal

*** Note *** LOL Kinda funny.  I always try to choose a treadmill next to someone who's running at a decent pace.  That way it will mentally motivate me to want to keep up and not be slow.  Slight natural competitive mode in me... ^^;

I would have run a bit more, but had to meet with Steph and Loy for lunch!  So it was cut a bit short.

Arrived home, fell asleep (oops), woke up and took a walk to try to get rid of the huge bolus of undigested food in my stomach.

Walking:  After nap = need to get the blood pumping
Distance walked:  2.2 miles
Total time walked:  40 minutes
Calories burned:  ~ 220 kcal

Now for the main course!  Walking was a good warm-up for me pre-Insanity!!!

Today was Pure Cardio!  I was really proud of myself today!

I kick butt at the warm-up!!!  It's the standard warm-up like shown in this earlier video of the Pure Cardio warm-up... except NOW I am kicking butt in my 3rd set!!!  I used to die all the time... but this week... I'm like superwoman!

Pure Cardio Circuit:
Like I said in an earlier post, the workout itself is about 15-16 minutes of non-stop cardio.  Each exercise lasts 1 minute and you push through!  I made it all the way to "Level 2 Drills" without stopping and keeping pace... then these buggers showed their ugly head!  So I'l talk about the last part of the workout, because I felt pretty strong with everything else.

Level 2 Drills:  A burpee + 8 push-ups + 8 mt.climbers (floor sprints) + a jump up!!! <--- These kill!!!  kill kill kill me.  It's the push-ups that do it.  My arms totally want to give up, I end up having to do modified knee push-ups.

Frog Jumps:  A forward/backward jump-squat with an upward arm reach.  I was strong in the beginning... then realized 30 seconds left.  I should not watch the time because then I get psyched out!  It was starting here when I felt my thighs feel heavy.

Suicides (burpees):  Arms were dying during this one!  My butt kept wanting to go in the air!  They started out strong (briefly)... then nope!  LOL.  Slowed down, but did my best to keep moving and keep form.

8 hooks + Jump rope jumps:  I love these!  Although I'm dying, I can do these.  Also, instead of 8 hooks, I split it into 4 hooks right, then 4 hooks left.  I do this because it ends with 8 hooks right... and I hate being uneven, so if I split it up, then I'll be even at the end!  And also for some reason... I can do the jump rope jumps  real high.  Don't know if they're real high... but in my vision they look like it!  LOL.

Push-up Jacks:  OH how I want to click *dislike* for you push-up jacks!!!  lol.  This is the last minute and exercise... but my arms are always so fatigued by now... that I am super struggling doing these!  I do a couple, sit on my knees... then do 1-2 more; then rest again.  Rarzz!!!

I know I'm missing a few exercises at the end, but that's what my brain wants to remember now.  ^^;  I'm guessing that means the others didn't make as much of an impact on me to like or dislike.

So tomorrow will be Cardio Abs and Cardio Recovery!
Maybe throw in a bike ride or a walk somewhere!

p.s. I found an awesome review of Pure Cardio here at  It lists all the exercises and has review on other parts of Insanity, other workouts such as P90X & ChaLEAN, and wellness & nutrition tips!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice and interesting workout and fast and 1000 calories workout. with more than 60 day workout. I also see amazing review on site same as the
