Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 12: Cardio Power & Resistance

My face is as red as my sports bra right?  You can't tell, but it really is red.

Whenever I exercise hard, my face just gets super flushed!  My brother is the opposite, he turns really pale when he works out.

Funny thing is right now he is ultra pale looking and doing the Plyometric Cardio Circuit in his room.  During our 30-sec breaks, we stop by each other's workout area and encourage each other with Shaun T's "C'mon ya'll... LET's GOOOOOOO!" that is shown in each DVD opening.  It's from the Cardio Power & Resistance workout I did today!

Today's workout:  Sometimes during high-power exercises I get so tired!  SO quickly, maybe because my body is so beat that I can't give 100%, but during Power Jumps I did about 10, then maybe 1-3 when I caught my breath.  Other exercises... totally okay!  Like hurdle jumps, I was able to power through and bring my knees high on almost every repetition.  Hmm!  After tomorrow's Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs, I gotta rest for reals for week 3!

Exercises that I had trouble with:
~ Power jumps:  Like I said earlier, I just had trouble powering through them!
~ Moving push-ups:  I started with full-push-ups... then eventually had to resort to modified knee push-ups!
~ Triceps dips:  wah!  My shoulder started bugging me during this one.  Must be the hyperextended position... so I had to stop.
~ Tricep push-ups:  I don't even know if I was doing this right.  It felt awkward and wasn't sure exactly what I was doing.  I remember feeling awkward last week.

Exercises I enjoyed:
~ Sprints + Hurdle jumps:  FUN!  I had no problem with these.  I felt really good about bring my knees high and sprinting fast
~ 8 pulse squats + 8 push-ups:  I had to eventually modify the push-ups, but I like fast-moving push-ups!  Power power power!
~ Globe jumps:  I like jumping and moving in circles.  It was getting tough to lift off the floor, but it was fun

Tomorrow is Pure Cardio + Cardio Abs!  2 workouts tomorrow!!!  *excited*

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