Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 30: Core Cardio and Balance Day 2

Late in the evening... I know!  BUT!  I'm getting it done.

Had to wait until my aunt was finished watching Clash of the Titans on the DVD player.  Not the greatest movie... yeah.

So, she's finished, and now it's time to work it out!

Workout done.


Notes:  Although it's a "recovery week" workout... a couple exercises kill me!

:: Moving plank push-up walks ~ these would be a little easier if I had space to move.  I can only take 3 tiny "steps" left and right before I have to change direction.
:: Hip flexor burners ~ I seriously haven't had a deep burn like that in a while.  Oh isometrics...!  I have to take a break in between each exercise to rest my hip flexor and stretch.  When I finish all three exercises, my hip flexor is burning!

:: Level 1 drills were a little easier today.  Don't know why.  They were.  Completed every single push-up, even if I did a couple knee push-ups, I did all repetitions!

p.s. Workouts are soooo tough when you're sore!  Two days ago, I did some strength training for my back, butt, and hamstrings.  Yup, felt it when I woke up this morning.  Felt it a bit last night.  Two days though... DOMS doms doms DOMS dooooooooms!  Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness.

Tomorrow I should be better.  So I promise for sure to go running, walking, and more strength training!  Must get my back in decent shape before next week comes!

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