Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 15: Fit Test #2

Switch Kicks: 120 kicks in one minute

I am going down hill!  LOL.  I did 150 the first day.  My legs just felt so heavy.  I did 100 consecutive... then took a long long break.  I probably shouldn't have... but so tired!  I didn't count any of the ones that didn't go above my waist.  So I did kick more than 120, but I didn't count cheaters.  Next time!!!  I will be rested enough that my legs don't feel like bricks.

Power Jacks: 71 Squats

YES!  I rock!  I did 61 the first Fit Test.  10 more!  I'm pretty sure I can do more also!  Next time!

Power Knees: 118 knees (right knee)

From 113 to 118!  Up by 5!  Again, had to pause the DVD to do 118 on the left side as well so I wouldn't feel lopsided.  These weren't so bad.  But it looked funny when I did the left knee... my right thigh was so tired, it was hard to stabilize to do the left-side power knees.

Power Jumps: 57 jumps

Improvement!!!  Some reason these felt really easy.  Surprisingly easy, especially after "switch kicks" were such a challenge.  I improved from 51 to 57.  I think I did maybe 30 or 40 consecutive w/o breaks... then took a long break, then started back up without stopping.

Globe Jumps: 14 "around the worlds"

YAY!  I wasn't super dying like last time.  I did get tired, these are very fatiguing, but I went from 10 "around the worlds" to 14!  That's not just 4 more jumps, but 16 more jumps!  I was moving very quick in the beginning, then developed a rhythm; got tired, but pushed until the end without breaking (unlike last Fit Test).  *proud*

Suicides: 22 burpees

WAH.  Went down by 1.  23 last time, 22 this time.  Next time.  I felt pretty strong on these... but I stopped to take my socks off after 15.  Oops.  Remind me to be prepared next time.  ** I wear socks and do my exercises on a cushioned mat, but did my first Fit Test on a wooden surface with shoes.  Testing error!

Push-up Jacks: 21 push-ups

Oops, went down by 4.  It's ok though.  I really tried to keep my form awesome... but was just so tired.  What's wrong body?  Maybe it's the gloomy weather!

Low Plank Oblique Knees: 92 knees

I don't even know how I did these.  I was complaining to my brother how I think these look funny and how I feel awkward doing them.  But I kept moving.  I like quick fast movements.  Good job me!  From 70 to 92!

So although my anthropomorphic measurements don't show results (except my boobs getting smaller and my butt getting bigger LOL), these show I am increasing my muscular endurance!  Not fatiguing as quickly as I used to.  Now to just improve on the ones I decreased in!

I wonder how many people are in my shoes... where they actually don't see improvements... LOL.  It's difficult with all the fatigue sometimes... Must make sure to rest!

Need that supercompensation!

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